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When enrolling into a class, you agree to accept the following terms and conditions:


When a pupil signs up for the term, it is expected they are committed for the whole of the term.

Any pupil may join the coaching program at any stage throughout the term. Only payment for the remainder of the term is required.

The dates for the term are in line with school term dates as set by the Victorian Government.

There is no coaching on Public Holidays, as set by the Victorian Government.

All term invoices/adjustments will be sent you via email. Please update office of any changes to contact details.

All payments must be received within the due date. A friendly reminder will be sent out to you the day after the due date. If payment still hasn’t been received or no contact has been made with the office by week 4 of the term, KITA reserves the right to cancel your lesson and put someone else in that lesson slot.

Your day/time will remain the same for the entirety of that term in question. If you wish to change your slot mid-term, the office will try and find another slot for you; subject to availability.

If no time can be found, then full payment is still expected. Word of advice – make sure you choose your day and time wisely! Once a pupil is enrolled for a particular term their place will automatically be carried over onto the next term enrolments.

If you wish to cancel your enrolment for the next term, the office must be notified as soon as possible of your cancellation. If you wish to re-enrol at any time, you will be treated as a new enrolment and a suitable time will be arranged for you, subject to availability. You will be placed on a waiting list if no day and/or time is suitable for you.

All payments are still required if you cancel mid-term for any reason (unless in the case of serious illness/injury – see below for further details).

Your direct coach will contact you via SMS if your lesson is declared a wash out or heat out or if the coach cancels the lesson for any other reason (e.g. coach illness). Please contact your coach directly if you will be absent on the day for any reason. All administration/billing and enrolment enquiries are to be directed to the Pro Shop Office only.


When the temperature reaches 36+ degrees at the time of your lesson, then your lesson will be deemed a heat out in which case you will be contacted via SMS directly from your coach. Normally, KITA will decide by 3pm if lessons are to go ahead or not for the after school timeslots.

In the event of wet weather, if the courts are unsafe and unplayable for use at the time of your lesson, then that lesson will be deemed a wash out. Please do not assume the lesson will be cancelled, your coach will notify you via SMS if your lesson is a wash out. If you fail to show based on the assumption of a washout, you will forfeit that particular lesson.

Please note that some courts are more “playable” than others depending on court surface/drainage ability/weather conditions. This means that some lessons may be cancelled and others may not. Every effort will be made by the coaches to get the court up to a playing standard.

Coaches will contact you as soon as feasibly possible if your lesson is cancelled. Please avoid contact with coaches at least 30 minutes before your lesson time to allow enough time for coaches to make a decision as to whether lessons will go ahead or not.



All pupils are entitled to a make-up lesson only under these circumstances:

1. When the lesson is a wash out or a heat out.

2. When the courts (in particular the clay) have been damaged due to severe flooding or very extreme wind.

3. In the case where less than half the lesson was completed and was unable to continue because of wash out, heat out, coach illness/injury).

4. In the case where an arranged make up was cancelled due to a wash out/heat out or a coach cancellation.

Please note there are strictly no make-up classes for these reasons:

1. Personal holidays/business trips

2. School camps/excursions

3. No shows or failure to attend

4. Extreme lateness

5. General sickness/illness/injury

6. School/work commitments

7. Late cancellations

8. Failure to show for a makeup class

9. If there were a lesson where there was a planned absence/cancellation on the day from you and that particular lesson was deemed a washout or heat out.

All make up classes are to be arranged with your direct coach. Your make up class can be completed at any time either throughout the school term or during the holidays depending on coach/pupil availability. Only a total of 3 options may be given as to when these make ups are completed. If a suitable time may not be agreed upon before the end of Week 4 of the following term, then any lost time will be deemed to be forfeited. Another family member or friend may complete this make up on your behalf if you wish. Please liaise with your coach on this matter.


You are entitled to a credit on lessons missed only under these circumstances:

You have missed an extended or significant amount of time during the term (3 consecutive weeks or more due to severe illness/injury). A medical certificate must be provided.

If the illness or injury occurs at the start of the term prior to any lessons starting and a significant amount of lost time is anticipated, then your time slot may be forfeited to another pupil if you haven’t paid for the term. If you wish to guarantee your time for next term, then full payment for that term is required.

*Holiday Clinic* - If your child is ill or cannot attend that particular day or days, then you may join another day subject to availability and coach/student ratio on the day. The Clinic supervisor at the time can provide further information for you on the day as to availabilities and so forth.

All payments for holiday clinics are completed online and must be done prior to coming on court.


All lessons must be booked and paid for at the Pro Shop Office before the beginning of the lesson.

If the lesson is booked in advance, coaches must be given at least 24-hour notice if that casual lesson is to be cancelled for any reason. In this case, another time can be arranged in order for the lesson to be completed.

If the lesson is deemed to be a washout/heat out, another time can be arranged in order for the lesson to be completed, as well as for coach cancellations.


Any time lost during the term for any reason (washout, illness, and other commitments) can be made up either on other days when the clinic is conducted or extended time on the actual day of the clinic.

In the case of multiple washouts (3 or more classes), a private/semi private lesson of equal value of the total of classes missed can be arranged throughout the term.

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