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ALL bookings and payments must be made online.

To book in, please click the link here.

Summer Holiday Clinic bookings now open!
December 16-20th, January 8-10th, January 13-17th, January 20-24th (9:00am - 12:30pm)

PLEASE NOTE: To book in for the Performance Holiday Clinic, please contact the Pro Shop on 03 9038 7141

December 17-19th, January 14-16th, January 21-23rd (9-2pm)

Tennis Holiday Clinics at Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club
School Holiday Tennis Clinic Program


All levels 9:00 - 12:30
Holiday Clinics are open to children from the ages of 5 years and up. We cater programs for all levels. A complementary morning tea snack available each day.  

Our holiday clinics run throughout all school holidays during the year, apart from the two weeks which surround the Christmas period. We release the booking for each holiday clinic period approximately 3 weeks in advance. 

The focus of our holiday clinics is to give students a short course on tennis. Our coaches follow a specific program which includes all aspects of tennis, meaning that no matter what days your child is able to attend, they will not be missing out. The holiday clinic program accommodates for all tennis abilities and we follow a ration of 5-6 children per coach, allowing your child to have a higher participation rate.  

Holiday Clinics are Divided into 3 Groups:

5 to 7 years - Hotshots program                                                                 

8 to 12 years - Holistic and specific learning (developing your game)

12 to 16 years - Skill enhancement focus (plus a Junior Competition Training program)


Full Day 9:00 - 14:00
These training clinics are open to all KITA squad members and friends or competition players from 13 years of age and up that wish to enhance their performance on the competition court and would like to have the winning edge over their opponents.   

Conducted by Kooyong Tennis Academy Senior coach, Doug Hill, the training will take the shape of a match play focus - including preparation | performance | post analysis. 

Professional warm-ups / dynamic movement - followed by coach / drills and match play - covering consistency, control, power & placement and movement to advantage … and of course super enjoyment in the process. 

Only full day available whether the player chooses one or all three days. Please bring lunch, water bottle and sunscreen – plus your best attitude.

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